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In the loop 18 July 2024

In the loop

Christelle Grobler

What you should know this morning:

  • The rand is trading at R18.19/$ this morning, after closing weaker yesterday (R18.25/$*).
  • EM currencies were mixed yesterday; the CLP (-1.7%), ZAR (-1.0%) and BRL (-1.0%) lost the most; the HUF (+0.7%), THB (+0.6%) and CZK (+0.6%) gained the most.
  • Asian equity markets are mixed this morning; the Nikkei is down, while the Hang Seng and the Shanghai Composite are up.
  • Japan’s trade balance recorded a surprise surplus of ¥224.0bn in June, from a deficit of ¥1221.3bn in May.
  • Weaker import growth was the main driver of the trade surplus, with imports rising 3.2% y/y in June, compared with an increase of 9.5% in May.
  • Growth in exports has been robust, boosted in part by the weak yen; export growth, however, slowed to 5.4% y/y in June, from 13.5% y/y in May.
  • Chip-making machines and non-ferrous metals led export gains in June.
  • The ECB will decide on its policy rate today; no change is expected after the bank commenced with a cutting cycle at its most recent meeting in June.
  • Policymakers have been at pains to provide guidance that the cutting cycle would progress cautiously and be dependent on the data at hand on a meeting-by-meeting basis.
  • Eurozone CPI inflation for June was confirmed at 2.5% y/y yesterday, from 2.6% y/y in May.
  • The bank would want to see further evidence of inflation slowing closer to its target of 2% over time.
  • Labour productivity growth, to offset still-strong wage growth, is key to subdue inflationary pressures.
  • US industrial production data for June has come in stronger than expected.
  • Production at factories, mines and utilities rose 0.6% m/m in June, after rising 0.9% m/m in May; this is the largest back-to-back gains in production since late 2021.
  • Factory output contributed the most to the gain in overall industrial production in June, increasing 0.4% m/m, following an upwardly revised increase of 1.0% m/m in May.
  • The increase in manufacturing production was broad-based and saw capacity utilisation at factories rising to 77.9% in June, the highest level since September 2023.
  • Industrial capacity utilisation, a measure of potential output, rose to 78.8% in June, from 78.3% in May.
  • Locally, the SARB’s MPC will announce their policy rate decision this afternoon.
  • The repo rate has been on hold at 8.25% for over a year; at this level, interest rates are restrictive.
  • A rate cut will likely be contemplated at today’s meeting – but the MPC may hold off on cutting until September.
  • Inflation is forecast to reach the midpoint of the SARB’s inflation target band imminently, with second-round and wage inflation pressures well contained.
  • However, medium-term inflation surveyed expectations remain above the midpoint of the target, and the SARB may use this as reason to delay rate cuts.
  • Brent crude is up this morning, and up by 10.9% year-to-date.
  • The gold price is up this morning, and up by 19.7% year-to-date.
  • Brent crude oil is currently at $85.45/bbl; ($85.08/bbl*).
  • Gold is at $2469/oz ($2456/oz*).
  • SA CDS 200bps*, Brazil 152bps* and Turkey 263bps*.
  • Yields: US 10yr at 4.16%*, German bund at 2.42%*, SA 10-year generic at 10.85%*, SA’s R2030 at 9.61%*.

* Denotes yesterday’s close.

Key events and data:

  • 08h00: UK ILO average weekly earnings, unemployment rate (May)
  • 08h00: UK jobless claims (June)
  • 14h15: Eurozone ECB interest rate decision – no change expected
  • 14h30: US initial jobless claims (13 July)
  • 15h00: SA SARB interest rate decision – no change expected
  • 16h00: US leading index (June)

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