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In the loop 05 September 2024

In the loop

Shireen Darmalingam

What you should know this morning:

  • The rand is weaker this morning, at R17.88/$, after closing stronger yesterday (R17.86/$*).
  • EM currencies were mixed yesterday; the HUF (+0.7%), CZK (+0.7%) and ZAR (+0.6%) were the biggest gainers; the CLP (-1.5%), RUB (-0.9%) and TWD (-0.4%) were the biggest losers.
  • Asian equity markets are mixed this morning; the Nikkei is down, while the Hang Seng and Shanghai Composite are up.
  • Central Bank watch: Bank Negara Malaysia is likely to hold its overnight policy rate at 3.00% today.
  • The US Fed Beige Book highlighted US economic activity as flat or declining across most regions in recent weeks.
  • The report also noted that employment levels were generally “flat to up slightly”, with several firms noting the need to cut shifts and hours.
  • The Fed said that “employers were more selective with their hires and less likely to expand their workforces, citing concerns about demand and an uncertain economic outlook”.
  • The Fed pointed out that prices and wages increased modestly during the period under review.
  • Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic commented yesterday that the Fed’s two mandates, namely stable prices and maximum employment, are now in balance for the first time since 2021.
  • He nonetheless noted being hesitant to declare that the fight against inflation as over.
  • Bostic added that, while inflation has moderated meaningfully, “risks to meeting our price stability mandate remain”.
  • Bostic is of the view that the Fed needs to ensure that those risks continue to recede.
  • He also noted some risk to the labour market, should the Fed wait until inflation is at the bank’s 2% target before reducing policy restriction.
  • San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly noted that the Fed needs to cut interest rates to keep the labour market healthy.
  • Daly added the pace of rate cuts as depending on incoming economic data.
  • The US private sector ADP employment report for August is due out today.
  • Private payrolls are likely to have improved in August.
  • Investors are also keeping an eye on the non-farm payrolls (NFP) for August, due out on Friday, which likely increased, by 165k, following an increase of 114k in July.
  • The UK Decision Maker Panel (DMP) 3m and 1yr inflation expectations for August will be in focus today.
  • The 3m ahead inflation expectations are expected to come in at 3.5% in August, from 3.7% in July.
  • One-year ahead inflation expectations are expected to have increased to 2.6% in August, from 2.5% in July.
  • Locally, the current account for Q2:24 is on the cards today; the deficit is likely to have narrowed to 1.0% of GDP in Q2:24, from a deficit of 1.2% of GDP in Q1:24.
  • Electricity production and consumption for July are scheduled for release today.
  • Brent crude is up this morning, and down by 5.3% year-to-date.
  • The gold price is down this morning, and up by 21.0% year-to-date.
  • Brent crude oil is currently at $72.95/bbl; ($72.70/bbl*).
  • Gold is at $2495/oz ($2496/oz*).
  • SA CDS 189bps*, Brazil 156bps* and Turkey 281bps*.
  • Yields: US 10yr at 3.75%*, German bund at 2.22%*, SA 10-year generic at 10.41%*, SA’s R2030 at 9.03%*.

* Denotes yesterday’s close.

Key events and data:

  • 10h30: UK Decision Maker Panel (DMP) 3m and 1 yr inflation expectations (August)
  • 11h00: SA current account (Q2:24)
  • 11h00: Eurozone retail sales (July)
  • 13h00: SA electricity production and consumption (July)
  • 14h15: US ADP employment report (August), initial jobless claims (31 July)
  • 15h45: US S&P Global services and composite PMI (August – final)
  • 16h00: US ISM services (August)

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